Navigating the Seas of Telco Operations with Axiros’ Managed Services

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, advanced solutions bring significant improvements to telco operations and efficiencies. Yet, these advancements also present challenges that can be daunting without the right support. From ensuring high availability with cloud services to battling cybersecurity threats and maintaining regulatory compliance with GDPR and INS2, telcos face a complex array of challenges.

This is where Managed Services can be your guiding star. According to ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library – the most widely used framework for IT Service Management), Managed Services refer to a way of delivering IT services where a service provider takes responsibility for providing a defined set of services to a customer. This model involves the provider managing and assuming accountability for the services' performance and outcomes, often specified in a Service Level Agreement (SLA). The objective is to ensure that the services are delivered efficiently and effectively, aligning with the customer's business needs and objectives.

Setting the Course for Success

Imagine your business as a ship, and Managed Services as the expert crew navigating the waters of technology. Together, we set the course for success. The first step is aligning your business needs and mapping out a detailed plan. This includes evaluating your current environment, defining key objectives, and determining the scope of the project. For telcos, this means addressing specific operational challenges such as network optimization, customer experience management, and remote device management. We help you identify the areas that need improvement to help you offer the best and most seamless experience for your customers and achieve strategic goals tailored to the telecommunications sector. You wouldn’t want a sundeck on your warship, but it would be essential on your yacht.

For example, you can utilize and customize Axiros’ state-of-the-art Auto-Configuration Server AXESS, which addresses automated device management and service provision, monitoring, and quality assurance. Or use AXWIFI to optimize and proactively troubleshoot your customer’s WiFi issues, giving them the best Quality of Service possible – all without having to worry about infrastructure setup, availability, or security compliance. Axiros is here for you.

Next, we assemble a skilled crew of technical engineers (experts in infrastructure, databases, cloud services, etc.) and a captain (Service Delivery Manager - SDM) who ensures every aspect of the delivery is met and executed.

The best part about having an expert crew provided by the MSP is that by outsourcing some of the IT and network management tasks, your own crew can concentrate on their primary business activities, such as service innovation, customer experience enhancement, and market expansion. Additionally, the crew offers specialized technical expertise that might not be available internally, such as cybersecurity and product expertise (e.g. ACS), enabling you to reduce the workforce and training time for your employees.

Before setting sail, we conduct comprehensive testing to ensure optimal system performance, security measures, and compatibility with your existing infrastructure, preventing any unexpected turbulence.

Launching into the High Seas

Once the initial setup is complete, including provisioning or configuring prerequisite services, your ship is ready for launch. For telcos, this phase might involve setting up carrier-grade device management and customer experience management systems. These solutions are crucial for ensuring seamless service delivery, optimizing network performance, and enhancing customer satisfaction.

In our example, Axiros may provide the underlying infrastructure (for example, using one of the Public Clouds), set up the operational system the solution will be running on, deploy the solution, and even customize it according to your needs and goals. Whether you need complex OSS/BSS integration with AXESS or a specific device integration, we are here to do it before your ship leaves the harbor.

Smooth Sailing with Continuous Support

With the ship launched, the real adventure begins. Ongoing operation and maintenance within the Managed Services scope require constant vigilance and adaptability to ensure a smooth journey. The operation delivery phase involves continuous proactive monitoring, analytics, and reporting, ensuring your systems run efficiently.

The cornerstone of Managed Services is the SLA. The SLA is like the ship’s charter, defining the terms of the voyage and setting clear expectations. It outlines the services to be provided, standards to be met, and how incidents and issues are handled. Regular maintenance keeps your ship (business) in pristine condition, applying updates, patches, and upgrades during off-peak hours to minimize disruptions.

Axiros utilizes advanced monitoring and management tools to ensure high service availability, proactive issue resolution, and adherence to SLAs, leading to improved customer satisfaction. With tools like JunOS and Wazuh, your cybersecurity threats are quickly spotted and eradicated without you ever having to worry about them.

Our architecture is planned and maintained to provide robust disaster recovery and business continuity, alongside having comprehensive security measures to mitigate risks associated with data breaches, downtime, and non-compliance.

Navigating Challenges with Expertise

Despite the best preparations, storms (issues) can arise. When they do, our experienced crew responds swiftly and effectively, following established procedures to resolve problems, restore services, and learn from each incident to prevent future occurrences.

Effective communication is crucial. The SLA establishes clear channels between your team and the managed services crew. Regular updates, status reports, and open lines of communication ensure any concerns are addressed promptly, maintaining a strong partnership.

As a ship must adapt to changing sea conditions, your business needs can evolve. Managed Services are scalable and flexible, allowing for adjustments in service levels, resource allocation, and support as your business grows and changes without the delays associated with in-house development.

Anchoring Success with Managed Services

Navigating the complexities of modern IT landscapes can be daunting, but with Managed Services, telcos can embark on their transformation journey with confidence. By leveraging a dedicated team of experts, clear strategic planning, and robust monitoring and maintenance protocols, Managed Services ensure that IT operations remain smooth, secure, and aligned with business objectives.

Our structured and proactive approach, from initial deployment to ongoing operations and incident management, optimizes performance and minimizes disruptions. The Service Level Agreement serves as our guiding charter, ensuring transparency, accountability, and a shared commitment to excellence. Axiros is here to ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations, reducing the risk of penalties and enhancing the telco’s reputation.

Last but not least, the benefits of the Managed Services approach are cost reduction. As mentioned, Managed Services enable telcos to streamline operations, reducing the need for significant CAPEX on infrastructure and staff. This shift from CAPEX to OPEX allows for better financial planning and resource allocation. In addition, our goal is for our team and solution to be the best in class - we invest in the latest technologies and best practices, providing you with access to cutting-edge solutions and innovation without the associated R&D costs.

In this dynamic and ever-evolving technological era, adaptability and foresight are key. Managed Services are built to be flexible and scalable, allowing your business to grow and adapt without compromising on efficiency or security. By entrusting IT operations to an experienced crew, you can focus on steering your business towards strategic goals, knowing that your infrastructure is in expert hands.

Set Sail with Axiros' Managed Services

Axiros' Managed Services are designed to empower your organization with reliable, efficient, and secure Axiros products. Whether you require comprehensive support and maintenance or specialized additional services, we are dedicated to delivering excellence and helping you achieve your business goals. Partner with Axiros for unparalleled service quality and peace of mind in device management.

Ready to set sail?


Written by Paula Kis
Paula Kis is a Master of Information and Communication Technology with valuable experience in cloud domain projects. She has previously worked as a technical consultant in the Salesforce ecosystem, enabling telcos with seamless CPQ (Configure-Price-Quote) solutions. She loves bringing together her diverse interests, from cloud technology and innovative solutions to management and teamwork. Balancing these areas, she is dedicated to excelling in both the technical and human sides of her work. At Axiros, she is working as a MS Presales Engineer.


IoT Environments Monitoring and Management by Axiros